"There are different flavours of Lean Product Development out there right now, it's still a relatively new field. So you'll see some people who say: "Well, Lean Product Development is just what Toyota does because Toyota is Lean." I tend to be on a different school of thought which is that Lean Product Development is more broad, umbrellalike.There are certain techniques that make Lean Manufacturing work, certain logical and mathematical principles. And it's those principles that we want to apply in Product Development. It's not the behaviours of Lean Manufacturing that we want, it's really the thinking process."48 Minuten und 40 Sekunden, die absolut zuhörenswert sind! Am 14. & 15. Oktober 2013 lernt ihr bei Don Reinertsens Training in Frankfurt, wie ihr selbst eine schlanke und schnelle Produktentwicklung baut. Meldet euch rechtzeitig für einen der Plätze an - ich freue mich schon auf die spannenden Diskussionen!Second Generation Lean Production DevelopmentApplying the Principles of Flow14. & 15. Oktober 2013INNSide Frankfurt EurotheumInfos und Anmeldung